Slot Definition Verb


Define slot into. Slot into synonyms, slot into pronunciation, slot into translation, English dictionary definition of slot into. A narrow opening; a groove or slit: a slot for coins in a vending machine; a mail slot. Slot translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'slot machine',expansion slot',time slot',sloth', examples, definition, conjugation.

Slot Definition Verb

Slot Definition Verb


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun The track or trail of a deer.
  • noun A narrow opening; a groove or slit.
  • noun A gap between a main and auxiliary airfoil to provide space for airflow and facilitate the smooth passage of air over the wing.
  • noun An assigned place in a sequence or schedule.
  • noun A position of employment in an organization or hierarchy.
  • nounComputers An expansion slot.
  • nounInformal A slot machine designed for gambling.
  • nounFootball A space or gap between an end and a tackle in an offensive line.
  • nounSports An unmarked area in front of the goal between the face-off circles on an ice hockey rink.
  • transitive verb To cut or make a slot or slots in.
  • transitive verb To put into or assign to a slot.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • To shut with violence; slam.
  • To slit; cut; gash.
  • To provide with a slot or groove; hollow out.
  • In coal-mining, same as hole, 3 .
  • noun The track of a deer, as followed by the scent or by the mark of the foot; any such track, trace, or trail.
  • noun The fastening of a door; a bar; a bolt.
  • noun A piece of timber which connects or holds together larger pieces; a slat.
  • noun A small piece.
  • noun A castle; a fort.
  • To track by the slot, as deer. Compare slothound.
  • noun A hollow.
  • noun In machinery, an elongated narrow depression or perforation; a rectangular recess or depression cut partially into the thickness of any piece, for the reception of another piece of similar form, as a key-seat in the eye of a wheel or pulley; an oblong hole or aperture formed throughout the entire thickness of a piece of metal, as for the reception of an adjusting-bolt. See cut under sheep-shears.
  • noun In a cable street-railroad, a narrow continuous opening between the rails, through which the grip on the car passes to connect with the traveling cable.
  • noun A trapdoor in the stage of a theater.
  • noun A hollow tuck in a cap, or other part of the dress.
  • noun A hem or casing prepared for receiving a string, as at the mouth of a bag.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A broad, flat, wooden bar; a slat or sloat.
  • nounProv. Eng. A bolt or bar for fastening a door.
  • noun A narrow depression, perforation, or aperture; esp., one for the reception of a piece fitting or sliding in it.
  • transitive verbObs. or Prov. Eng. To shut with violence; to slam.
  • noun The track of a deer; hence, a track of any kind.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A narrow depression, perforation, or aperture; especially, one for the reception of a piece fitting or sliding in it.
  • noun A gap in a schedule or sequence.
  • nounaviation The allocated time for an aircraft's departure or arrival at an airport's runway.
  • nounaviation In a flying display, the fourth position; after the leader and two wingmen.
  • nouncomputing A space in memory or on disk etc. in which a particular type of object can be stored.
  • nouninformal A slot machine designed for gambling.
  • nounslang The vagina.
  • verb To put something (such as a coin) into a slot (narrow aperture)
  • verb To assign something or someone into a slot (gap in a schedule or sequence)
  • verb To put something where it belongs.
  • noun A broad, flat, wooden bar, a slat, especially as used to secure a door, window, etc.
  • noun A metal bolt or wooden bar, especially as a crosspiece.
  • nounelectrical A channel opening in the stator or rotor of a rotating machine for ventilation and insertion of windings.
  • nounslang, surfing surfing term for the barrel or tube of a wave.
  • verbobsolete To bolt or lock a door or window.
  • noun The track of an animal, especially a deer.


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Obsolete French esclot, horse's hoofprint, from Old French, perhaps from Old Norse slōdh, track.]

from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

Slot Definition Verb
[Middle English, hollow of the breastbone, from Old French esclot.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Middle Low German slot or Middle Dutch slot, from West Germanic. Cognate with German Schloss ('door-bolt').

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Old French esclot, from Old Norse slóð ('track'). Compare sleuth.


  • Any idea how its going to intake a gamecube disc if the slot is the size of a normal DVD?

  • : title, which refers to the title slot defined in BASIC-WINDOW-FEATURES-MIXIN.

  • : title, which refers to the title slot defined in BASIC-WINDOW-FEATURES-MIXIN.

  • So, no, I didn't edit Son of Man at all, but the choice to reprint this classic and under appreciated work, which makes my Top Twenty list for the best and most visionary of 20th Century SF, as opposed to the nigh-infinite number of other books that could have filled the slot, is the result of the 'editorial process' here.

  • Not every slot is equal when it comes to exiting the parking lot.

  • Put a piece of wire of an electronic lighter into the coin slot, switch it on, and you got yourself a free game.

  • Put a piece of wire of an electronic lighter into the coin slot, switch it on, and you got yourself a free game.

  • The reason many people no longer stick to the time-slot is their DVR, but also increasingly sites like Hulu, Joost, Fancast, CBS, NBC, etc. all of which are run by (or have deals with) the content owners.

  • Ultra low-cost Irish carrier RyanAir is thinking about putting a coin slot on lavatory doors so passengers will have to pay when they empty their loose change from their coin slot.

  • Ultra low-cost Irish carrier RyanAir is thinking about putting a coin slot on lavatory doors so passengers will have to pay when they empty their loose change from their coin slot.

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