Results Ww1


The Start of the War

World War I began on July 28, 1914,when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.This seemingly small conflict between two countries spread rapidly:soon, Germany, Russia, Great Britain, and France were all drawninto the war, largely because they were involved in treaties thatobligated them to defend certain other nations. Western and eastern fronts quicklyopened along the borders of Germany and Austria-Hungary.

The Westernand Eastern Fronts

What agreement was intended to settle international debts from WW1? Following the end of World War II in 1945, the Reichsmark, the German currency, lost so much value that a barter economy arose. WW1 caused the downfall of four monarchies: Germany, Turkey, Austria-Hungary and Russia. The war made people more open to other ideologies, such as the Bolsheviks that came to power in Russia and fascism that triumphed in Italy and even later in Germany.

The first month of combat consisted of boldattacks and rapid troop movements on both fronts. In the west, Germanyattacked first Belgium and then France.In the east, Russia attacked both Germany and Austria-Hungary.In the south, Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia. Followingthe Battle of the Marne (September 5–9, 1914),the western front became entrenched in central France and remainedthat way for the rest of the war. The fronts in the east also graduallylocked into place.

The Ottoman Empire

Results Of The Ww1


Late in 1914,the Ottoman Empire was brought into the fray as well, afterGermany tricked Russia into thinking that Turkey had attacked it.As a result, much of 1915 wasdominated by Allied actions against the Ottomans in the Mediterranean. First,Britain and France launched a failed attack on the Dardanelles.This campaign was followed by the British invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula.Britain also launched a separate campaign against the Turks in Mesopotamia.Although the British had some successes in Mesopotamia, the Gallipolicampaign and the attacks on the Dardanelles resultedin British defeats.

Trench Warfare

The middle part of the war, 1916 and 1917,was dominated by continued trench warfare in both theeast and the west. Soldiers fought from dug-in positions, strikingat each other with machine guns, heavy artillery,and chemical weapons. Though soldiers died by the millionsin brutal conditions, neither side had any substantive success orgained any advantage.

TheUnited States’ Entrance and Russia’s Exit

Despite the stalemate on both fronts in Europe, two important developmentsin the war occurred in 1917.In early April, the United States, angered by attacksupon its ships in the Atlantic, declared war on Germany. Then, inNovember, the Bolshevik Revolution prompted Russiato pull out of the war.

Results Ww1

The End ofthe War and Armistice

Although both sides launched renewed offensives in 1918 inan all-or-nothing effort to win the war, both efforts failed. Thefighting between exhausted, demoralized troops continued to plodalong until the Germans lost a number of individual battles andvery gradually began to fall back. A deadly outbreak of influenza,meanwhile, took heavy tolls on soldiers of both sides. Eventually,the governments of both Germany and Austria-Hungary began to losecontrol as both countries experienced multiple mutinies from withintheir military structures.

What Caused Ww1 Short Summary

The war ended in the late fall of 1918,after the member countries of the Central Powers signed armisticeagreements one by one. Germany was the last, signing itsarmistice on November 11, 1918. Asa result of these agreements, Austria-Hungary was broken up intoseveral smaller countries. Germany, under the Treatyof Versailles, was severely punished with hefty economicreparations, territorial losses, and strict limits on its rightsto develop militarily.

Germany After theWar

Many historians, in hindsight, believe that the Allieswere excessive in their punishment of Germany and thatthe harsh Treaty of Versailles actually planted the seeds of WorldWar II, rather than foster peace. The treaty’s declaration thatGermany was entirely to blame for the war was a blatant untruththat humiliated the German people. Furthermore, the treaty imposedsteep war reparations payments on Germany,meant to force the country to bear the financial burden of the war.Although Germany ended up paying only a small percentage of thereparations it was supposed to make, it was already stretched financiallythin by the war, and the additional economic burden caused enormousresentment. Ultimately, extremist groups, such as the Nazi Party,were able to exploit this humiliation and resentment and take politicalcontrol of the country in the decades following.


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